Do you want to know What is Centralized Reservation System? This curated article will clear your idea about Central Reservation System and surely give you some insights about step by step procedure of Booking Guest Rooms.
Central Reservation System – CRS (Fully automatic system) Also known as Central Reservation Office – CRO, it is generally used by Hotel chains.
The concept of central reservation system is simple. A chain of hotel which has a CRO system has reservation office in different cities although they may have no-unit operating in that city. All the units of the chain are inter-linked with CRO/CRS of the chain. The units allocate a particular percentage of the total number of rooms to CRO/CRS. It becomes the responsibility of CRO/CRS to book these rooms for the hotel. For providing this service, the units give a particular percentage of commission to CRO/CRS. Over a period of time a close watch on the performance of CRO/CRS is kept.
If the CRO is not able to book the allocated number of rooms then the unit can withdraw rooms from CRO and also if the CRO is able to book more rooms than allocated to them, more rooms can be given to CRO for booking. If any such changes in the allocated number of rooms are made, both the parties must very clearly understand this so as to avoid any double booking. CRO can also be an independent organization unattached to any chain or hotel company. This type of CRO offers a greater range of hotels over a wide area.
This gives each member a wider market of prospective customers. The biggest example of one such CRO is Omaha (Western International). How big and wide is the scope depends upon the number of hotels participating in it. The CRO is usually located in flagship hotel of the chain. CRS is very useful for those units of the chain is which normally are not doing well on their own. Well known Examples of CRS are… Opera, MARSHA, Taj Central Reservation System, Utell, Best Western Hotels, Welcomnet & Holiday Inn Worldwide.

What is the procedure of booking a guest room?
The Room reservation is taken or handle by reservation assistant requested by prospective guest in the hotel. While handling the reservation request one should be aware of the information necessary to load in the reservation form. It may be accept in any modes and via any sources but the procedure will be same for all. The different steps that are involved in the reservation procedure are as follows…
- Receiving the room reservation request.
- Determining the availability of hotel room.
- Accept or deny the room reservation request.
- Document or Install the reservation details.
- Confirm the generated reservation.
- Maintain the Whitney rack or Proper data in the system.
- Block the room on the reservation chart.
What are the steps to be followed for Reservation?
- As soon as the potential guest request for the reservation of room, ask the guest about the type of room and date required.
- After the mention of the type of room and date, look at the room status board/system/reservation-chart for the availability of requested room.
- If the date indicates fully booked, calmly tell the guest that the rooms are not available. If the rooms are available then be ready with a reservation form to enter the guest details.
- Once the reservation request is accepted, the details concerning the guest should be entered on the reservation form and again those details to the computer system.
- Ensure the guest about the confirmation of reservation, as it is necessary to ask for advance payment and written confirmation normally via email.
- Type out two reservation slips (copies) . Keep one in Whitney rack and attach another with reservation form.
- Block the room on the reservation chart and in the computer system effectively.