First of all we need to understand, Communication is a process of exchanging Information, Ideas or Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions through Speech, Signals, Writing or Behavior.
Well, In communication process, a sender or encoder encodes a message and then using a medium or channel sends it to the receiver also known as decoder who decodes the message and after processing the information, sends back appropriate feedback or reply using a medium or channel.
Now Let’s have some Information on “Types of communication based on the communication channels used” are VERBAL COMMUNICATION and NONVERBAL COMMUNICATION.
The Verbal Communication refers to the the form of communication in which message is transmitted Verbally; communication is done by word of mouth and a piece of writing. Objective of every communication is to have people understand what we are trying to convey. In verbal communication remember the acronym KISS (Keep it short and simple).
Just to let you know, The Verbal Communication is further divided into ‘Oral Communication’ and ‘Written Communication’
Now talking about The Nonverbal Communication, It is all about sending or receiving wordless messages. We can say that communication other than oral and written, such as gesture, body language, posture, tone of voice or facial expressions is called nonverbal communication. Nonverbal Communication is all about the Body Language of Speaker. Nonverbal Communication generally helps the receiver in interpreting the message received. Often, nonverbal signals reflects the situation more accurately than verbal messages. Sometimes nonverbal response contradicts verbal communication and hence affect the effectiveness of message.
Appearance, Surrounding, Body Language and Sounds are the basic elements of the Nonverbal Communication. To know them briefly you can refer to the following…
- Appearance : Speaker’s Clothing, Hairstyle & Neatness.
- Surrounding : Hall Size, Lighting, Decorations & Furnishings.
- Body Language : Facial Expressions, Gestures & Postures.
- Sounds : Voice Tone, Volume & Speech Rate.
We hope that you understood the types of communication, If you have any doubt then feel free to comment below and Don’t forget to explore other articles on Communication referred down below!